IDRF’s Zakat projects provide water, food, and emergency aid, helping vulnerable people live with dignity and build stronger communities.

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Your zakat has the power to change lives.

Generosity knows no season. Your acts of kindness benefit those in need and bring blessings and rewards from Allah SWT. It’s a meaningful way to strengthen faith and make a positive impact on the world.

The reality today is that more than 700 million people around the world live within extreme poverty. Millions of families and children across the globe do not have access to food, safe drinking water, or a sustainable income. With the rise of conflict, climate change, inflation and the repercussions of a pandemic, many countries are facing heightened levels of poverty and distress.

In the face of this collective pain, it is our duty to help people in need.

Empower vulnerable families
with your zakat

Zakat for


Zakat eligible projects​

Daily life in Gaza is a fight for survival. There is no water supply, no hygiene and sanitation, and no access to food. This dire situation necessitates continuous aid to sustain life in Gaza, every single day. Vulnerable groups, including children, pregnant women, the disabled, and the elderly, are particularly at risk and need immediate support.

(Syrian and Uighur Refugees)


Türkiye hosts one of the largest refugee populations globally, with conflict and persecution driving many to seek safety. Refugees face significant challenges, such as limited access to education, healthcare, and employment, making it difficult to rebuild their lives.

Syria is experiencing historic and transformative changes as its political and humanitarian landscape continues to evolve. Amid this mix of hope and uncertainty, IDRF remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting the Syrian people during this critical time.

Years of conflict have ravaged Yemen’s infrastructure and economy, leaving its people vulnerable to ongoing crises. Severe food insecurity, displacement, a broken healthcare system, and limited access to clean water have left over 18 million Yemenis in dire need of humanitarian aid.


Today, 23.7 million Afghans urgently need humanitarian aid, and over 5.3 million refugees have fled the country. Decades of conflict, economic collapse, and natural disasters have left 1 in 2 Afghans living in poverty.


Over 800,000 people are displaced, many seeking refuge in Beirut. Damaged hospitals, water plants, and power stations have left communities without basic services. Lebanon, already in a severe socioeconomic crisis, urgently needs humanitarian aid.

Sahel Africa

(Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso, and Mali)

Sahel Africa
Over 2.9 million people are displaced across the Sahel. Conflict, drought, and food shortages have devastated communities, leaving millions without basic services. The region urgently needs humanitarian aid to address this growing crisis.
East Africa

(Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia)

East Africa

In East Africa, over 4.5 million people have been displaced due to ongoing conflict, severe drought, and widespread food shortages. Millions are struggling without access to basic necessities, requiring urgent humanitarian support to survive.


Over 10 million are displaced, and 2.3 million have fled since April 2023. Conflict and disasters have devastated livelihoods, disrupted farming, and destroyed infrastructure, leaving millions without food in Sudan.


Over 20% of Bangladesh's population lives below the poverty line. Cyclones and floods claim thousands of lives annually, worsening conditions. The country also hosts the largest number of Rohingya refugees, needing essential aid.


The 2022 floods submerged a third of Pakistan, affecting 33 million people and displacing 8 million. Destroyed water systems and farmland left families vulnerable. Children remain out of school due to economic and social barriers.


Water scarcity remains a critical issue in India’s villages, driven by poor resource management, rising demand, and climate change. The country faces severe water stress, projected to worsen by 2050.

Southern Africa

(South Africa, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique)

Southern Africa

Southern Africa faces critical water scarcity, worsened by droughts, climate change, and poor resource management. Millions lack access to clean water, with conditions expected to deteriorate further in coming years.

Zakat FAQS

Got questions? we have answers!

Zakat is a sacred obligation of every able Muslim and one of the Five Pillars of Islam, rooted in the principles of compassion and justice. It is a powerful form of charity that requires Muslims with wealth to donate a portion of it to those in need, including orphans, individuals in debt, those who are stranded during travel, and those who live in poverty. By honoring the responsibility to serve those who are less fortunate, Muslims demonstrate their devotion and connection to Allah.

In Canada, Zakat is calculated based on one’s annual income and assets. The minimum amount for those who qualify is 2.5% of a Muslim’s total savings and wealth.

Simplify your Zakat calculation with our free and user-friendly Zakat Calculator.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to donate during Ramadan in 2025. Your donation can help save lives and build communities.