Lebanon is facing an unprecedented humanitarian emergency.

The recent outbreak of violence has resulted in thousands of people being wounded and killed across the country. Over 800,000 people have been displaced, with many seeking refuge in Beirut.

Hospitals, water treatment plants, and power stations have been severely damaged, leaving communities without access to essential services. Lebanon, already grappling with a crippling socio economic crisis, is now in desperate need of immediate humanitarian assistance.

The Need for Aid

Daily life in Gaza is a fight for survival. There is no water supply, no hygiene and sanitation, and no access to food. This dire situation necessitates continuous aid to sustain life in Gaza, every single day. Vulnerable groups, including children, pregnant women, the disabled, and the elderly, are particularly at risk and need immediate support.


Started Work in Palestine



Support the
people of Lebanon

How is IDRF helping?

Food Parcels

(Fresh Food & Non-perishable)​

IDRF is providing food parcels to families, enough to sustain them for at least one month.

Hygiene Kit

We continue to distribute essential hygiene kits across Lebanon, including include female sanitary pads, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, diapers, soap, shampoo, etc.