The Code of Ethics sets out the basic Ethical Principles for IDRF.
The IDRF Code of Ethics is derived from the Code of Ethics of CCIC (Canadian Council for International Cooperation). IDRF was actively involved as part of the CCIC Code of Ethics Committee that helped create the Code for CCIC and all its Member Organizations across Canada.
1. IDRF affirms that Development is a social, cultural, economic and political process that leads to the fulfillment of fundamental human rights. These rights have been enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent core treaties and instruments including the United Nations Declaration on the Right to Development and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
2. Development and relief must give primacy to fulfilling the rights, needs and aspirations of the world’s poorest and most marginalized peoples; they must promote the peaceful management of conflict; and must safeguard the health, diversity and resilience of the natural environment.
3. While recognizing that the primary responsibility for the protection and promotion of human rights rest with governments, IDRF supports the fulfillment of these rights through our development, relief and rehabilitation activities.
4. Based on IDRF experience, establishing strong partnerships with credible local development organizations is important in achieving development and relief outcomes.
5. Since IDRF, along with other Canadian charitable organizations, influences the public perception of our work, we share the responsibility to act in ways that enhance public trust in our activities.
IDRF shall ensure that these General Principles are incorporated into our structure, governance and operations:
Development and Relief should foster and promote the full realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms. To reach this goal, they should:
IDRF shall be governed fairly and responsibly by an independent, active and informed governing body that shall be the Board of Directors.
IDRF shall conduct its finances in such a way as to ensure appropriate use of funds and accountability to donors and have sound internal controls and documented financial policies and procedures.
IDRF shall ensure that
Fundraising solicitations shall be truthful, shall accurately describe IDRF’s identity, purpose, projects and need, and shall only make claims which IDRF can fulfill, and shall treat donors and potential supporters with respect. There shall be no misleading information or images (including material omissions or exaggerations of fact), nor any other communication which would tend to create a false impression or misunderstanding, and no use of high-pressure tactics in soliciting donations.
IDRF shall ensure that:
IDRF shall have policies and procedures to ensure that it accepts only those donations which will not compromise its ethics, program focus or other interests.
IDRF shall ensure that images and texts included in all communications to the public:
IDRF shall control all fundraising activities conducted on its behalf. It shall not, directly or indirectly, pay finder’s fees, commission or percentage compensation based on contributions. When external fundraisers are used, IDRF shall have a written fundraising contract and shall avoid disproportionate private gain by those external fundraisers.
IDRF shall consider the cumulative impact on the public’s perception arising from its communication messages (through images and text) and ensure that its messages do not undermine the goal of building support for long-term sustainable development.
IDRF shall make its most recent financial statements, annual report, and a current list of members of its governing body easily accessible to the public.
For the purpose of this section, “partnership” refers to relations between IDRF and civil society organizations -not individuals or governments – where a mutual agreement has been established committing the Partner Organization to a set of agreed principles and actions over a specified period of time.
IDRF is committed to partnerships principles that shall:
In the event of catastrophic circumstances, such as a major shortfall in funds available for a funding partnership, IDRF shall promptly implement a mutually negotiated and agreed upon contingency plan with its partner.
When winding down a partnership, including in the event of unforeseen circumstances, IDRF shall endeavor to maintain the same standards of conduct as were agreed upon for the operations of the partnership.
IDRF shall endeavor to follow sound management and operational practices appropriate to its mission, operations and governance structure.