IDRF’s Zakat projects provide water, food, and emergency aid, helping vulnerable people live with dignity and build stronger communities.
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Your zakat has the power to change lives.
Generosity knows no season. Your acts of kindness benefit those in need and bring blessings and rewards from Allah SWT. It’s a meaningful way to strengthen faith and make a positive impact on the world.
The reality today is that more than 700 million people around the world live within extreme poverty. Millions of families and children across the globe do not have access to food, safe drinking water, or a sustainable income. With the rise of conflict, climate change, inflation and the repercussions of a pandemic, many countries are facing heightened levels of poverty and distress.
In the face of this collective pain, it is our duty to help people in need.

Empower vulnerable families
with your zakat
Zakat for

Zakat eligible projects
Zakat is a sacred obligation of every able Muslim and one of the Five Pillars of Islam, rooted in the principles of compassion and justice. It is a powerful form of charity that requires Muslims with wealth to donate a portion of it to those in need, including orphans, individuals in debt, those who are stranded during travel, and those who live in poverty. By honoring the responsibility to serve those who are less fortunate, Muslims demonstrate their devotion and connection to Allah.
In Canada, Zakat is calculated based on one’s annual income and assets. The minimum amount for those who qualify is 2.5% of a Muslim’s total savings and wealth.
Simplify your Zakat calculation with our free and user-friendly Zakat Calculator.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to donate during Ramadan in 2025. Your donation can help save lives and build communities.